Summative assessments allow for data to be used in public reporting about school quality. The Opt Out Affidavits dataset provides information on providers who have decided not to participate in Medicare.IMPORTANT NOTICE - This is a request to withdraw your application. If we approve it, the decision we made on your application will have no legal effect. As parent of the above named student, I do not wish for my student to have a vision screening during this school year. You may request a STEM I-20 and apply for STEM OPT with USCIS up to 90 days before the expiration of your Post-Completion OPT EAD. What Semester and Year Are You Withdrawing from? Resources, tools, and solutions for student registration and related processes. Opt out is a contract between a provider, beneficiary and Medicare where the provider or beneficiary does not file a claim to Medicare. The Opt Out Affidavits dataset provides information on providers who have decided not to participate in Medicare.