Use this sample letter to dispute mistakes on your credit report. You have to tell your credit or debit card company about any error you're disputing within 60 days of when the first statement with the charge was sent to you.A letter of explanation can clarify your financial situation and get you one step closer to qualifying for a mortgage. 1. In the sample letter, fill in your personal information. This sample letter explaining credit problems will help you focus your efforts when appealing to a property manager for an apartment. All accounts shall be due and payable in Dallas County or Harris County, Texas. Time served credit is when a Judge gives a defendant who was in or is in jail, credit on a citation(s). The creditor mailing list (matrix), if not filed electronically, must be submitted in the following format: 1. Typed on blank unlined, standard 8.5 x 11 paper. A rental cover letter is a unique way to make your rental application stand out from other potential tenants and impress the landlord.