A goodwill letter explains why you had a late payment and asks the creditor to take it off your credit reports. Use this resignation letter example to inform your employer that you need to resign immediately and will not be able to give two weeks' notice.I talked to a mortgage guy and was telling him that i was trying to repair my credit, and getting some mistakes corrected. A Letter of Explanation (LOE), adds more detail about your financial situation. Find out how to write an LOE and when you might need one. Provide a clear explanation: Your letter should acknowledge and indicate why something happened. Read below for a sample resignation letter with 24 hours notice. Use this sample to learn how to format your letter and what content to include. A hardship letter to a creditor lays out the financial circumstances that have made it challenging for you to continue making your monthly payments. If you've stopped paying your creditors for unpaid debts, they will likely report your account as a charge-off after four to six months of non-payment.