Students carrying at least twelve (12) credit hours will be considered full-time students for the fall and spring semesters. No formal assignments, however, can be submitted after the final exam unless you have requested and been granted an incomplete grade contract for the class.The agency is responsible for submitting an authorization letter to Student Accounts prior to the semester starting. The testing center is currently BY APPOINTMENT ONLY for all exams. Remote testing is available for those needing to take a HESI exam. The department created exemption certificates to document non-taxable transactions. This establishes a basis for state and city tax deductions or exemptions. Find out how to submit a public records request to the MCAO Custodian of Records. The Department's Concealed Weapons Permit Unit (CWPU) is responsible for issuing concealed carry permits to qualified individuals. On September 4, 2024, the Goldwater Institute ("Institute") sent your office a letter.