As an example, if the first date that the creditor's notice is published in the newspaper is February 1, the creditor has until May 31 to present their claim. Discover what you need to know about the Financial Aid Verification process, how to determine if you've been selected, and how to get assistance.Want to become a student? Our Check Enforcement Program has a mission to pursue bad check writers and make them pay up - even if it means taking them to court. For new students, here's how to send official transcripts to one of 10 or more Maricopa Community Colleges campuses. Electronic forms for students and Maricopa employees to electronically complete and submit through a secured portal using their MEID and password. Immediately upon sentencing, fill out an Inmate Request Form with the name of the person who will pick up your possessions. This establishes a basis for state and city tax deductions or exemptions. For example, the Associate in General Studies (AGS) degree requires 60-64 semester credits. If you have never attended an Arizona community college, please select "No" and fill out the "Create Student Account" form to create an MEID and password.