Use these letters to order your credit report directly from the big four credit reporting agencies. Be sure to include copies of the identification documents.Sometimes, you may need to attach documents, photos, or other evidence to support what you are asking for. Use this sample letter to dispute incorrect or inaccurate information that a business supplied to credit bureaus. A debt validation letter is a written communication that a consumer sends to a debt collector or creditor to request verification and validation of a debt. This sample letter explaining credit problems will help you focus your efforts when appealing to a property manager for an apartment. Read this article to learn more about how to format and prepare your forms before you electronically file them in MiFILE. Read this article to learn more about how to format and prepare your forms before you electronically file them in MiFILE. A letter of explanation can be important in the mortgage underwriting and application process. Are you interested in learning more about how to protect yourself from identity theft?