A goodwill letter is a written correspondence that asks creditors to remove negative remarks from your credit reports. You don't demand payments or whatever in that letter.You can follow it up if they aren't paying you but in general it isn't even necessary. This sample letter explaining credit problems will help you focus your efforts when appealing to a property manager for an apartment. I talked to a mortgage guy and was telling him that i was trying to repair my credit, and getting some mistakes corrected. If you're moving out soon, it's important to send a notice to vacate letter. Find out when to send it and see a notice to vacate template. Example: Selena falls behind on her credit card payments, and after several months of missed payments, the card company marks the account as a charge-off. A letter of credit facility is a contract between a buyer and seller where the bank guarantees payment upon presenting certain documents. There is no charge for submitting a dispute.