1. In the sample letter, fill in your personal information. Please enter the institution's response below.It should be written in the form of a letter to the Institutional. This Agreement covers your rights and responsibilities concerning your accounts and the rights and responsibilities of the Credit Union providing this. The credit report must be dated within ninety (90) days of filing it with the court. The Application should contain sufficient amount of the following information to allow the Pima IDA to review the Applicant and the Project. We are an equal opportunity educational institution and employer, and we use a structured, job-related competitive process to fill regular positions. Fill out the "Domestic Relations Cover Sheet" and the "Confidential Secure Data Form. Attachments cannot be larger than 10 MB. Attach supporting documents in Court of Appeals Division One or the Arizona Supreme Court. Note that LLCs are required to maintain a statutory agent at a valid address in the records of the Arizona Corporation.