Use this letter to demand that a credit bureau continue to investigate items you have initiated a dispute on. Formally disputing an error involves writing a formal dispute letter to the creditor as well as the appropriate credit bureau reporting the inaccuracy.1. In the sample letter, fill in your personal information. I formally request that the following inaccurate items be immediately investigated. They must be removed in order to show my true credit history. Here are steps you can take to still quit properly when you're unable to give notice, including sample resignation letters to send your boss. Hiring an attorney represent you generally leads to the lawsuit being dismissed without you paying. All you need to do is put the date of your intended departure, your name, the fact that you are resigning, the date and your signature. If a justice court has evicted you, contact a lawyer for help immediately. Layoff of employees may occur when it becomes necessary for the City to effect immediate reductions in the size of the City work force.