This e-book provides templates for 21 most effective credit and collection letters that will help you communicate better with your customer. We've created ready-to-use collection letter templates.Read on below to find out what every letter should say in order to collect payment as soon as possible. A goodwill letter explains why you had a late payment and asks the creditor to take it off your credit reports. Use this sample letter to dispute incorrect or inaccurate information that a business supplied to credit bureaus. I demand that you send me a copy of my updated credit report showing the elimination of the items, which I disputed on the attached letters. Use this fill-in-the-blank Notice of Credit Limit letter to notify clients when they've exceeded their credit limit. This stepbystep guide will take you through all the necessary details you must know to successfully dispute any error on your credit report. Writing a debt collection letter can be difficult. What should you say?