Engaging in the business of outdoor advertising requires an Outdoor Advertising License. Reach a larger audience in Northern California with outdoor advertising, including bulletins, digital billboards, posters, transit advertising and more.Grow your business with our outdoor advertising products including print and digital billboards, airport displays, transit and highway signs, and more. Drive engagement and conversions with expert display advertising solutions in the Bay Area. Partner with our dedicated display ads company. The primary goals of the program are to build and maintain an inventory of general advertising signs, correct outstanding violations, and remove unlawful signs. Any ads placed in local newspapers and magazines must list the contractor's license number, business name, classification and expiration date. Please complete our Advertising Contact Form and a Fuse Connect representative will be in touch. Contractor advertising in the form of door hangers left at residential homes must display the contractor's license number and legal business name. The most complete attribution solution in the market today measuring how your Premion streaming campaign is growing business.