A business sale agreement is a legal document that describes and records the price and other details when a business owner sells the business. Purchase agreements are legally binding contracts used to guide the transition of ownership in a business or the sale of its assets.A sales agreement is used to describe and track the exact details of quantity and cost of purchasing or selling goods, services, or real estate. A Sales Agreement is a legally binding contract between a buyer and a seller to outline the terms of a transaction. All Contracts and contract rights of Seller relating to the Acquired Assets or the. If you are looking to sell or purchase a business, get help from our skilled Houston business sale and purchase attorney at Weisblatt Law. Order. This document contemplates that the buyer and the seller will negotiate and incorporate all of the terms and conditions of the transaction into this. An advertising agreement is a legal contract executed between a company hosting the advertising and a company providing the advertising. This business sale agreement template can be used as a binding document to govern the sale of a business to a new owner. ContractsCounsel has assisted 42 clients with marketing and promotion agreements and maintains a network of 66 business lawyers available daily.