I want to add a function that can retrieve the Site of a AD Computer. The Get-ADComputer cmdlet gets a computer or performs a search to retrieve multiple computers.The Install-ADDSDomain cmdlet installs an Active Directory domain configuration. Examples. Example 1: Install a new child domain. One way to get the information is to query the DynamicSiteName registry value of the remote machine. The GetADComputer cmdlet retrieves the default set of computer object properties. Use the Properties parameter to retrieve more properties. Click Start, then "Control Panel," double-click "Administrative Tools" and double-click "Active Directory Users and Computers. The FindADSite PowerShell function below will return the AD Site and Subnet for a specified computer name or IP Address. In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage AD sites using PowerShell, so you never have to open a Windows MMC ever again!