I want to add a function that can retrieve the Site of a AD Computer. The Get-ADComputer cmdlet gets a computer or performs a search to retrieve multiple computers.There are a few ways to get the site a computer is a member of. This cmdlet is available only in on-premises Exchange. Use the Get-AdSite cmdlet to display configuration information about one or more Active Directory sites. The FindADSite PowerShell function below will return the AD Site and Subnet for a specified computer name or IP Address. Pluralsight empowers you to master AI, onboard quicker, deliver faster, upgrade your skills, build tech fluency, upskill teams, collaborate better. This section gives information about the computer accounts stored in the Active Directory. What are the follow-up courses after completing this one? Screenshot 1: "SLC" OU in Active Directory Users and Computers UI showing the Users, desktops and "SLC Files" in the OU (4 points). 2.