Please fill out the form below for specific pricing and availability. We can help you place your brand in front of consumers in the highest traffic areas of the metro, San Diego International Airport, and one private jet terminal.For more information about online advertising, call 619-235-3000 to speak with a sales representative or fill out the form below. Elevate your brand in San Diego with OUTFRONT. Reach your audience with impactful outdoor advertising in top locations throughout the city. Looking to advertise on billboards in San Diego? Here's everything you need to know, including types of billboards, costs and the best places to advertise. Reach your target audience with our outdoor advertising products including billboards, wallscapes, airport signage, transit ads, and digital displays. Advertise on San Diego buses - ads on buses, bus stop shelters and more. To submit an event, please fill out the form below at least three to four weeks in advance of the event date.