The California Rules of Court, starting with rule 2.100, tell you what is required for any documents you file with the court. Start with "pleading paper.In situations where there is no pre-printed court form, court paperwork must be submitted on pleading paper. The first step in completing a Judicial Council form is to see if the California Courts have developed a form for your specific legal problem. (a) Every pleading shall contain a caption setting forth: (1) The name of the court and county in which the action is brought. (2) The title of the action. In this class, learn how to prepare, file, serve and respond to civil case pleadings in California state court. Sometimes, courts will require a specific form for a particular purpose, like the Proof of Service of Summons for use in California state courts. You will have to formally prepare the Motion or oppose a Motion on pleading paper in accordance with the law and California Rules of Court. If there is not a California or Local Court form to fit your situation, you will need to draft your own pleading or motion on pleading paper.