Filing fees apply unless you qualify for a fee waiver due to low income. Below are the most commonly used forms in the District Court of the District of Minnesota.For additional forms, please visit the forms library. The GAL must be appointed before the deadline date on the OSC with adequate time to review the matter and file recommendations before the OSC deadline date. You will be required to fill out a uniform conciliation court form. If you ask, a person from the court administrator's office will help you complete the form. You must fill out the Application for a Pro Se Summons form and submit it to the clerk in the county where you are suing, along with payment of the court fee. In order to file for office, you need to fill out an affidavit of candidacy (PDF, 1MB). See the Filing process section to learn where to file the affidavit. Hearing Search allows users to access information on hearings scheduled in a court case.