This is a comprehensive list of forms, applications, checklists and guidelines for permitting, plan review, inspections and more. The Miami-Dade Plan Review Checklist outlines the requirements for obtaining a building permit from the Water and Sewer Department in Miami-Dade County.Each Acceptance Submittal shall contain the documentation listed below. On this page, you will find: Document Checklists: These checklists outline the required documents for the most common application types. Below are links to forms commonly used in the Admissions and Registration Office. Please read the forms carefully and complete all required sections. It will be 5 checklists within one form. 1. Completely fill out all three (3) Diligent Search Letters (Form B) with your information, the other party's information and have them NOTARIZED. Below are links to forms commonly used in the Admissions and Registration Office. Please read the forms carefully and complete all required sections.