The judgment creditor or assignee shall fill out and file Judicial Council of California Form SC90 to acknowledge full payment. Each document that accompanies a single pleading must be eFiled in a separate PDF document.Formatting Requirements: Every document that is eFiled must be in PDF format and documents must be text searchable. Information about filing court documents in Riverside County, California. Services: Court locations, Contact information. The Riverside Superior Court of California's list of frequently asked questions to assist filers efiling new cases, or into existing cases. Before the Sheriff's Office can serve processes on your behalf you must have a court order. A responsive pleading to a complaint or cross-complaint must be filed and served within thirty (30) days of service of the complaint or cross-complaint. To file for an assessment appeal, you must timely complete an Assessment Appeal Application (form BOE-305-AH). This article outlined the steps to expect from the initial pleadings leading up to the trial.