To order copies of any records, please fill out and submit the Records Request form. If you prefer, you may make an in-person appointment to pick up documents.Learn the virtual court procedures, who you need to contact, and more about the Travis County Courts at Law. Travis County District and County Courts receive electronic filings through eFileTexas, the new e-File system for civil court documents. Filing is now mandatory for all attornys filing civil, family, probat, or criminal cass in th Suprm Court, Court of Criminal Appals, Courts of Appals. Learn the virtual court procedures, who you need to contact, and more about the Travis County Civil District Courts. Every proposed judgment or order shall have a heading that includes the cause number, the style of the case, and the court in which the case is pending. Texas Rules of Civil Procedure - Filing Documents Travis - Texas District Court - Local and Federal Court Rules Made Easy. EFiling a written pleading is often the first step in raising a legal issue before the court. What To Do Before You File in a Travis County Small Claims Court?