Filed application for patent filed in the United States may claim the benefit of, or priority to, a prior application filed in the United States. You can file an application to register your trademark or service mark with an intenttouse (ITU) filing basis.What is a patent priority date? Priority date refers to the earliest filing date in a family of patent applications. Log in to access forms. Select the type of form listed below for direct links to TEAS and TEASi forms. A trademark priority date is the earliest a trademark can be registered with the US Trademark Office (USPTO). When a trademark filing is submitted to the USPTO, the filing creates a federal priority date regardless of whether that mark is being used yet. Descriptive terms cannot benefit from the trademark rules giving the applicant a "constructive" date of first use as of when it files the application. The following documents are on file at the Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and will be published in the Federal Register on the dates listed.