Tucker Law, based in Fort Lauderdale, FL, can help you draft and file your patent application and obtain the right patent protection for your invention. This process includes consulting, drafting, filing, and responding to the USPTO to get an approved patent.I am a registered patent attorney with experience in assisting clients acquire patent rights around the world. Your focus while preparing drafting for the exam should be to practice writing patent applications for simple mechanical or pharma inventions. Try to find a prep course. Your best shot, in my opinion, is to head to the local law school's library. This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. Took and passed the patent bar last month, 1st try. So, it will take you 2-3 weeks to turn around a draft application in a typical situation. For drafting of patents, pick up any interesting patent (granted) from the Indian patent office website (or google patent).