Myanmar has adopted a new trademark legislation, changing its regime from "first to use" to "first to file". Saper Law has 20 years of experience in all aspects of trademark registration, protection, and enforcement.To contact the IP Trademark Clinic for more information or assistance with trademarks, please use the form below. On 1 April 2023, the Myanmar Intellectual Property Department (MIPD) announced the commencement of Phase II of the soft opening period. Section 19 of the Trademark Law of Myanmar addresses the scenario where multiple applications for identical or similar marks are submitted on different dates. CR MILES has an international process to obtain trademark protection in marks in foreign countries worldwide. Forms on this website are PDFs with fillable fields. Forms should be downloaded to your computer before filling in the fields. Myanmar currently lacks specific trademark, patent, and design laws, but draft laws are pending parliamentary review. A trademark includes a device, brand, heading etc.