'They cannot attach propery at a comer of a paper. A patent was given that year for a "machine to make wire paper clips" to William Middlebrook on April 27.The drawing in the patent shows a Gem paper clip. The paper clip is a Nordic invention with a patent history that reflects innovation in design and function. Over the past century there have been hundreds of patents issued for bent wire paper clips. This was meant mainly for attaching tickets to cloth, but the patent also mentioned that it could be used to fasten papers together. In employing a patent attorney or agent, you execute a power of attorney, filed and made of record in the application file. What makes the ClarkDietrich system unique is that it has been tested with almost every gypsum board and shaft liner manufacturer in the country. According to the Early Office Museum, the first patent for a "bent wire paper clip" was awarded to Samuel B. Fay in the United States in 1867. Claims. Description. Figures. Citations. Patent Art (4). US-2047129-A.