In the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), we have one initial application form with two filing options: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard. Log in to access forms.Select the type of form listed below for direct links to TEAS and TEASi forms. Use this fillable Word Document form to submit your wildlife management annual report to the Collin Central Appraisal District. The application requirements are a brief botanical description of the plant and seed. Has this mark been registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)?. Yes. No. Facsimile of label depicted with Trademark Registration No. 6,112 dated May 21, 1878. Federal cases filed in U.S. District Courts and U.S. Courts of Appeals. Contains all the patent documentation available to European Patent Office (EPO) examiners and the latest patent applications from all the EPO member states. 20,000 Nabil. Khan. Owner.