A trademark in Cambodia is valid for ten years from the date of filing and may be renewed for successive tenyear periods upon payment of the prescribed fee. Up-to-date and authoritative guide to Cambodian trademark law.Information on trademark registration, search, enforcement, renewal and anticounterfeiting. Learn how to register a trademark in Cambodia with our comprehensive guide. JGPC can help you with the identification, creation, protection and exploitation of your patents, trademarks, trade names and service marks. The following information is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. A unanimous jury trial verdict rendered on April 24, 2024, found for the District, rejecting the dangerous condition of public property and nuisance claims. TurboCourt guides self-represented litigants through personalized questions online, then creates and files accurate forms to your court. We have reviewed two recent announcements from Cambodia's trade mark office to assess the implications for brand owners. Alcumus SafeContractor takes the pain out of compliance for over 50000 customers, including 450 big name brands globally.