Trademarks are much easier to get than patents. You can fill out the paperwork online without an attorney if you wish.Navigate to the EFSWeb portal and create a USPTO account. The required documents are uploaded to EFS-Web in PDF format and submitted. To apply for a patent, you must file an application and pay required fees. A paper cooking utensil includes a paper cooking utensil formed into a food containing part made of a paper sheet. Let me walk you through an overview of the patent application process so you can begin to get your ducks in a row. It is possible to obtain a patent on a recipe or food item if there are differences which provide more than just a better taste. Therefore, in the past, the cooking utensils made of glass, aluminum, copper, or paper could not be used with the induction cooker. It is easy to have sympathy for the inventors, and even for the patent practitioners who drafted the patent application.