Contact the Dallas trademark lawyers of Peacock Law Firm PLLC today at (214) 617-1000 for a free consultation. Under Section 16 of the Myanmar Trademark Law, the applicant may write the registration application in Myanmar or English.If you use your mark in interstate commerce, you can apply to register it with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Section 19 of the Trademark Law of Myanmar addresses the scenario where multiple applications for identical or similar marks are submitted on different dates. If you have any matter relating to trademarks, contact our experienced Dallas Intellectual Property lawyers at Sul Lee Law Firm today. Corsearch is your one-stop shop for trademarks and brand protection. We handle everything, from checking trademark availability to fighting online counterfeits. Developments on Trademark Laws in Myanmar. An update on developments to the trademark practice in Myanmar. When making an online donation, select "Dedicate your gift…" and fill out the required fields before completing your transaction.