Allen Dyer is a renowned patent law firm offering skilled legal services regarding patent acquisition and infringement. Your focus while preparing drafting for the exam should be to practice writing patent applications for simple mechanical or pharma inventions.The attorneys at Fleit Intellectual Property Law can help your protect and file patents for intellectual property. Contact our office today! The short answer is that the registration exam allows you to file papers on another's behalf with respect to patent applications. For drafting of patents, pick up any interesting patent (granted) from the Indian patent office website (or google patent). This process includes consulting, drafting, filing, and responding to the USPTO to get an approved patent. In order to qualify for the Patent Exam, you will need at least a bachelor's degree in one of the specified fields of science or engineering. (73) Filing an application without an attorney is possible, but even with some guidance it is definitely not without its challenges. Tucker Law is a leader in patent law.