To register a trademark in Florida, you will need to fill out the required application information and pay a fee per class to the Florida Department of State. Allen Dyer is a renowned patent law firm offering skilled legal services regarding patent acquisition and infringement.If you are looking for a patent law firm in Melbourne, FL, consider Bullock Law. The firm focuses its practice on protecting intellectual property. Professional Engineers licensed in Florida must take 18 continuing education (CE) course hours every two years to renew their licenses. Inventor Law attorneys in Orlando helping individuals to patent their ideas with the United States Patent Office to receive exclusive rights. Registering a trademark is not obligatory, especially considering unregistered trademarks have legal protection under Florida common law. , is a Registered Patent Attorney, licensed Florida attorney, and Florida Board Certified Expert in Intellectual Property Law. Resources are available for Florida residents to help inventors and entrepreneurs learn more about protecting their intellectual property. Get expert Intellectual Property Law services.