This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. For example, new uses of known processes, machines, compositions of matter and materials are patentable.A patent is not granted on an idea, but rather on a developed product, process or composition of matter. The Pro Se Assistance Program is dedicated to help independent inventors and small businesses meet their goal of protecting valuable intellectual property. The marking of an article as patented when it is not in fact patented is against the law and subjects the offender to a penalty. You actually cannot patent an idea, but you can patent a product, machine, a composition, or a process based on the idea. You can't patent an idea. An applicant may apply for a patent in three major categories: (1) Utility Patents, (2) Design Patents, and (3) Plant Patents. A patent is a grant ensuring no one can legally make, use or sell our bottle without our permission. For an inventor, filling out an IDF can be a daunting process.