Getting a patent in Georgia is the same as any other state. The patent application is filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).Overview of the patent registration procedure in Georgia. Required documents for a patent application. Georgia PATENTS is a Pro Bono Patent assistance program that helps under resourced inventors connect with patent practitioners to file a patent application. Paper. • The application pages must be numbered consecutively (centrally located above or below the text) starting with page one. A novel paper clip with a substantially planar profile, with an arrangement of structures that, among other things, reduces the risk tearing paper. Sojuzpatent will help you to file your patent applications with the Georgian Patent Office in any technical field with assistance of reliable local agents. Before applying for a patent, one must determine which type of patent you will need for your invention. An application shall be deemed filed from the moment when the application is submitted to obtain a patent, invention description, claims and drawings.