Any person who uses a trademark or service mark in Georgia may file an application for registration of that mark with the Office of the Secretary of State. The mark MUST ALREADY BE IN USE IN GEORGIA prior to registration.The concept or invention must be "reduced to practice" to qualify for Georgia PATENTS' assistance. You need a trademark attorney in Georgia. You already messed your application up once and have been given a chance to fix it. Georgia PATENTS is a Pro Bono Patent assistance program that helps under resourced inventors connect with patent practitioners to file a patent application. You can register a trademark in Georgia through the Georgia Secretary of State. An exclusive license shall not allow licensors to enter into other license agreements and to use trademarks unless otherwise provided for in the agreement. Surely, completing an IDF is a key step to get started with a Georgia USPTO registered patent drafting attorney. In the case of infringements, rights-holders can apply to the court to enforce their rights.