Any person who uses a trademark or service mark in Georgia may file an application for registration of that mark with the Office of the Secretary of State. The applicant must provide his or her name and address no matter if one owns a property in Georgia or not.Georgia law does not require specific Statewide registration of Trade Names (aka DBA names). It takes something like four weeks to register a mark in Georgia, where in the US Patent and Trademark Office it can take 10 months or more. - If you're on a budget and you're local, you can apply to register your trademark just in Georgia. To trademark a name in Georgia, applicants may submit an application for registration with the Office of the Secretary of State. You must be careful that your Georgia corporation name doesn't infringe on the trademark or service mark of another business. To trademark a name in Georgia, applicants may submit an application for registration with the Office of the Secretary of State. To use a trade name in Georgia, you must register that name with the Clerk of the Superior Court in the county where your business is located. Properly registered trademarks provide exclusive legal rights and legal protection to use that business's names, symbols, and other unique marks.