If you use your mark in interstate commerce, you can apply to register it with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It is advisable to work with a certified patent attorney or patent agent with expertise in intellectual property law while filing a patent.We're going to talk about how to file your own trademark application with the united states patent and trademark office. Patents for dummies, referred to as patents for the beginner, will provide you with some entrylevel information on how to obtain a patent. Preparing a patent application and engaging in the USPTO proceedings to obtain the patent requires knowledge of patent law and USPTO procedures. Intellectual property for dummies is a rather tongueincheek way of referring to a basic guide to intellectual property rights. Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. Lloyd and Mousilli is a renowned patent attorney and IP law firm in Houston who can help you navigate the relatively complicated process of obtaining a patent. An introductory page on copyright in the U.S. and how the Copyright Office and copyright laws function. Plus, you get detailed examples of each patent application type!