Section 9 (1) of the Trade Marks Act of 1967 provides that a registrable trademark must contain or consist of at least one the following essential particulars: REQUIREMENTS FOR FILING NIGERIAN TRADEMARK APPLICATIONS​​ Trademark representation to be provided and must be visible, clear and distinct.Is trademark registration in Nigeria valid internationally? A Digest of the Illinois Law for the Registration and Protection of Trademarks and Servicemarks, Free. The validity term of a trademark in Nigeria is 7 years from the filing date and renewable for the successive periods of 14 years. Property, the newsletter of the Intellectual. Nigeria. The Nigerian IP scene continues to develop and remains a key market on the African continent. Modern Practice Journal of Finance and Investment Law (MPJFIL), 8,. 166. Trademark registration offers protection, but you must submit a thorough, comprehensive, adequately supported application. " Simone Dvoskin '20.