In Bangladesh a trademark application can be filed in 45 classes: Classes 1 to 34 for goods and classes 35 to 45 is for service marks. From trade mark registration and patent prosecution to copyright protection and IP rights enforcement, their lawyers adopt a commercial perspective.Trademark law in Bangladesh serves as a vital framework for protecting intellectual property rights and fostering business innovation. Essential steps to register, protect, and enforce your trademarks in Bangladesh. Filing a trademark application in Bangladesh involves several steps and requires specific documentation. The government fee for filing the application for registration is 3500 (three thousand and five hundred takas) or equivalent to USD. The primary legislation governing trademarks in Bangladesh is the Trademarks Act 2009. In Bangladesh, a trade mark application can be filed in 45 classes: Classes 1 to 34 for goods and Classes 35 to 45 for service marks. Perusal out of reception office hours. 35. Application for any other entry outside the register other than certificate of registration, etc.