For example, when writing the PAE, you must write the patent application in the Form 2 format. In this session we will discuss or devise our own strategies for dealing with drafting related questions in the paper too.Drafting generally includes 02 questions with the choice of invention disclosures. This is around the patent drafting questions appearing in the patent agent examination also known as P2 C3. For paper-2 you have to prepare for patent drafting, which will come with practice. – By drafting the claims first, you can decide on the terminology to use and make sure that terminology is consistent throughout the specification. Are you an aspirant for the patent agent exam? Do you find it difficult to approach the patent drafting questions of Paper 2 of the exam? What is the invention? If we could give advise to a prospective candidate for the patent agent examination, we would recommend reading and rereading the draft manual.