To obtain trademark protection in the United States, you must register your company's logo with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Overview of the trademark application and maintenance process.However, you can only use it after USPTO has actually registered the trademark, not without an application or while an application is pending. To begin the application process, create an account on the USPTO website if you do not already have one. Here's my method and the EASIEST Way To Trademark a Name or Logo. If you want to register a trademark, you must first file an application. In this article, we will explore why it's essential to trademark your logo, the steps involved, and the role a trademark attorney can play in this process. The USPTO outlines very clear guidelines for what is acceptable in a logo application. Each Military Service has a Trademark Licensing Program Office that manages its graphic and word trademarks (including common law trademarks). The Lanham Act governs trademarks in the United States.