This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. Our patent professionals, attorneys and agents, gain an understanding of the science behind your inventions and then work diligently to protect your rights.A utility patent is a right to exclude others from making and selling the same functional features as your patented invention. For guidance in writing a patent application, check out the book Patent It Yourself from Nolo Press. The present invention relates to a pinch bottom hemp paper bag having gussets with an extended back porti cm, a tab and a peel off adhesive. Just Browsing: Bringing Your Patent Case in California. Here are the 5 crucial steps to register a patent in Los Angeles (California). 1. Margaret Knight, inventor of the flatbottomed paper grocery bag, was a fighter, or none of us would have come to know the real story behind the invention. Is there a certification requirement for recycled paper bags? Margaret Eloise Knight was an American inventor, notably of a machine to produce flat-bottomed paper bags.