Trade Mark Publication and Oppositions. The Myanmar Intellectual Property Department (MIPD) commenced publication of trade mark applications on 1 May 2024.In our article "How do I register a trademark?" we explain the steps involved in a trademark application and the best way to proceed. This Article gives an overview about "Getting Ready for Myanmar's New Trademark Law". Find out more on Chambers and Partners. This publication coincided with enforcing the Trademark Law 2019, effective 1 April 2023. Therefore, on January 30, 2019, the Myanmar government enacted a trademark law. On March 31, 2023, the trademark rule was also issued. On May 1, 2024, Myanmar began the longanticipated publication of trademark applications as per the Trademark Law 2019. Important to note that appointment of trademark representative is require only for foreign trademark owners who reside outside of Myanmar.