The specification, including the abstract and claims, must have lines that are 1.5 or doublespaced in a single column of text. Each patent application has several forms that must be filled out and submitted.A list of these forms can be found here. Due to the enactment of the America Invents Act in 2012, this page contains forms for patent applications filed on or after September 16, 2012. This repository contains a template that anyone can use to draft a simple provisional patent and file it with the US Patent office. The format used for patents involves the full citation of author, title, journal right in the flow of the text. Patent ClaimMaster is a software tool for automating patent proofreading, patent drafting, office action shell generation, and patent downloading. The Patent Policy establishes the rights and responsibilities for patenting and licensing innovations and inventions at the University of Maryland. Generate the Patent Report form through one of three methods: Open an Invention Report and add a Patent Report. You are encouraged to consult with a patent attorney or licensed patent agent.