Explore opportunities and assistance available near you. Getting a patent in Massachusetts is the same as any other state.A person may register a trademark or service with the Division if the mark is used in the Commonwealth. This new course provides an introduction to US patent law and is directed towards researchers from academia, industry, and government entities. This comprehensive book is the first of its kind to take scientists and engineers beyond simply getting a patent granted. Our patent lawyers, who have advanced degrees in life sciences and engineering, help clients build patent portfolios aligned with their goals. This workshop covers the basics of US patent law, including the patent application process, prosecution, litigation, and licensing. Our intellectual property team of more than 100 lawyers and patent professionals combine technical and scientific acumen with legal skill and experience. In order to qualify for the Patent Exam, you will need at least a bachelor's degree in one of the specified fields of science or engineering. Our patent lawyers, who have advanced degrees in life sciences and engineering, help clients build patent portfolios aligned with their goals.