This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. The Pro Se Assistance Program is dedicated to help independent inventors and small businesses meet their goal of protecting valuable intellectual property.If a person invents a new product or process, that individual ("inventor") may consider applying for a patent. Hey everyone, I'm trying to get a patent and trademark for an app that I will be developing. Roche does not make job offers without prior interviews, nor do we ask for payments of any kind. Unsolicited job offers or requests for payment are fraudulent. CIRCLE K AGE VERIFICATION SWEEPSTAKES- Win Fuel for a Year. Circle K is a convenience store chain offering a wide variety of products for people on the go. This is a sign of confidence in the quality of Nordex's products and management. But it drew outrage from conservatives who said it could be used to protect transgender athletes in girls' sports.