First, the applicant for patent must be able to demonstrate that he or she has developed a new, useful, and not obvious process or product. Patent Center Overview provides details on how to file an application in Patent Center.Quick Clinic Video Series. This Guide is intended to serve as a primer for the inventor and entrepreneur on the protection of new ideas and the products which result from them. First, the Federal Circuit rejected Minnesota's argument that the claimed compounds were literally described in the provisional application. Under US patent law, an invention is patentable only if it meets the following four requirements, which are discussed in more detail below. In the US, an invention is patentable if it is: Novel; Useful; Nonobvious. MN Lawyer Referral shares everything you need to know if you are looking to submit for a patent. For more info regarding laws on patents, call today! 1. This invention relates to new chemical com- pounds of carbon and fiuorine and to a novel and simple process for the preparation of these new compounds.