File and register a trademark to protect your business name or product name. Applying to register a trademark is simple and affordable with LegalZoom.Filing for a trademark can protect your brand. This simple guide talks you through filing the paperwork, what it costs, and more. Tell us all about the business you'd like to form, and we'll help make sure you have what you need to make your small business official and keep it compliant. Find out how to get started with this easytofollow explanation of how the registration process works, how much it costs, how long it takes and more. LegalZoom appears to use Bryan Cave, a large prestigious law firm with 25 offices around the world, to file and prosecute its own trademark applications. In the state of New York, trademark applications are filed in the office of the secretary of state. It has no authority to stop someone from using a trademark in commerce, which is within the jurisdiction of federal and state courts. Foreign applicants need a local agent.