REQUIREMENTS FOR FILING NIGERIAN TRADEMARK APPLICATIONS​​ Trademark representation to be provided and must be visible, clear and distinct. Trademarks, Patents and Designs can now be filed online in Nigeria.The validity term of a trademark in Nigeria is 7 years from the filing date and renewable for the successive periods of 14 years. Application-Acknowledgement: Fill the necessary prescribed form for the Trademark application. The Trade Marks Act, 2024, was passed on 26 July 2024 in the Bahamas. The Act is not yet in force and it is not yet known when it will come into effect. Chapter covers common issues in trade mark laws and regulations including legislation, application, refusal, opposition and registration. The initial registration of a trademark in Nigeria is valid for seven years from the date of application. Introducing our newest award-winning resort at sea, Celebrity AscentSM, the fourth and most innovative ship in our highly awarded Edge® Series. Trade Stocks, ETFs, Options Or Futures online.