This process includes consulting, drafting, filing, and responding to the USPTO to get an approved patent. File A Design Patent.Of course, your local Nevada patent agent can help you file a design patent online to protect your invention's ornamental characteristics. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is where you want to go to file for a new patent with your attorney. We can provide you with sample patent drawings and examples to help you understand how to present your invention. Packed with detailed information and concise explanations, Nolo'sPatents for Beginners defines what a patent is and what it can do for you. The intellectual property filing process begins with hiring a knowledgeable patent agent Las Vegas Nevada. Philip T. Virga is a registered United States Patent Attorney and can help with anything related to intellectual property, including a specialty in patents. Outreach events for inventors in the UNLV and the Southern Nevada Community. Before filing a patent application, the inventor must prepare a comprehensive document that describes the invention in detail.