To file a patent application, a set of forms has to be submitted to the patent office. How to file a patent application?• Documents can be filed in the patent office. Out of the forms mentioned above, Form 1 and Form 2 along with the official fees are mandatory to be filed to initiate the Patent filing procedure. I'll show to you how to fill in details in Form 1 form 2 and form five the essential fonts which need to go along with a patent application. For your convenience, given below are some of the most relevant forms required for filing applications for Patents in India. ; FORM 3, Statement and undertaking. This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. Discover the complete stepbystep guide to filing a patent application in India. This site provides useful information for applicants that wish to take advantage of the electronic priority document exchange (PDX) program.