Legal Representation: Foreign applicants must appoint a registered trademark attorney in Bangladesh. Time from filing to registration: 2 years.Protection (registration) duration: 7 years from the application date. Summary of the NC State Bar Board of Legal Specialization's standards for certification as a specialist in trademark law. The current legal basis for trademarks in Bangladesh is the Trademark Law promulgated on March 24, 2009, and adopts a onemark, onecategory system. From trade mark registration and patent prosecution to copyright protection and IP rights enforcement, their lawyers adopt a commercial perspective. Trade names are filed with the Register of Deeds in the county where the business is operating under N.C.G.S. §66-68. Trademark Law Specialty Committee of the North Carolina State Bar Board of Legal Specialization. Member. We will fill out the exact forms and papers you need. We will help you file and get ready for your next steps.